As Published In Settlement: Samuel Xxxxx, an incapacitated adult, by his joint guardians, Marcia Xxxx and Paula Xxxxx, and Paula Xxxxx, indiv. v. [AC]; [SR]; [SZ]; [AG]; Healthshield, Inc.; Capital Area Community Health Plan, Inc. d/b/a Healthshield; and Community Area Community Health Plan, Inc. d/b/a Healthshield; XXXXX/94 Date of Settlement: 4/97 Venue: Dutchess County Supreme Court Plaintiff Attorney: Eric Turkewitz, Manhattan Facts: This medical malpractice action settled for a lump sum of $625,000. Plaintiff, in his 70s at the time, claimed that Defendants failed to diagnose and treat a meningioma for several years. Plaintiff was seen by the CHP/Healthshield medical group over the years by three general practitioners and an ophthalmologist. Plaintiff’s records indicated that between February 1984 and August 1986 he complained of fatigue, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and irritability. In 1989 he complained of dizziness, headaches, pain behind the eye, and unexplained falls. Plaintiff underwent a procedure in November 1992 to remove the tumor, but he suffered brain damage and vision impairment. Plaintiff was confined to a nursing home until December 1996 when he died of complications from pneumonia. Plaintiff claimed that Defendants failed to refer him for a full and complete neurological work-up. Defendants would have argued that a neurological examination was not warranted and that even if it was, the outcome would have been the same. Other brain injury cases this office has handled: $7M– Bronx Medical Malpractice Brain Damage During Childbirth and Subsequent Wrongful Death $3.45M – Brooklyn Medical Malpractice – Brain Damage After Surgery $1.87M – Brooklyn Medical Malpractice – Brachial Plexus Injury During Liposuction Stroke and Hemorrhage $1.295M – Bronx Medical Malpractice — Hospital Negligence — Failure To Admit Man With Impending Stroke |